Heavy Vehicles

truckWe offer a range of courses for those people working with operational vehicles, involving either emergency or non emergency driving. Skills include identifying, assessing and reducing risks and hazards associated with driving heavy vehicles in operational conditions under lights or sirens. 

All courses are available at any Getabout training venue. Alternatively, contact us to arrange for our experienced instructors to come to your work site, and tailor our training to your specific needs.

We understand what it means to operate heavy vehicles in both on and off road conditions and have identified the following courses to meet your industry requirements.

Course code links to further information.







PUAVEH001 – Drive vehicles under operational conditions
Suitable for staff using a vehicle in operational conditions under lights and/or sirens.

RIIVEH305F - Operate and maintain a four wheel drive vehicle.     

PMASUP236 - Operate vehicles in the field